Your Ideas.
Your Words.
Buffed. Polished.
Professional book editing—from idea to finished manuscript.
For scholarly trade, creative nonfiction, and novels, too.
Words move people. They catch ideas that can change the world and fix them on a page for all to access. You write to communicate. I edit to clarify. Together we can transform your raw manuscript into a polished gem.
The idea for your novel alit in your mind with sticky feet. You plotted it out, you peopled it with characters you love…now what? Professional novel editing gives you the confidence to let it soar.
Can’t get past that scary first draft on your own? Look to ghost editing to find your way to the light at the end of the tunnel. Ghost editing transforms your unfinished manuscript into the book you've always dreamed of.
"WOW. I can’t thank you enough for your work on this project — your flexibility, your excellent work, even proofing others’ work, and making crazy deadlines. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
—Julie B., Associate Director, Production, division of Ascend Learning
"Both the author and I have reviewed carefully the copyedit—and I judge it to be excellent. Almost every change improves the text enormously....Again, let me state that this is excellent copyediting, brilliant even. If I ever write a book, I’d welcome this level of examination and intervention. As this is a very big book for us, I am happy and pleased that it is getting such careful treatment."
—Acquisitions Editor, Big 5 publisher
"We are receiving a lot of projects and I am looking for some good copyeditors like you. I really appreciate your thoroughness and the way in which you work and your proficiency."
—Senior Project Manager for university press